Friday, October 28, 2016

Relationships :)

                                             If there is true love it will be shown in the end

Image result for woman in stars

The end. Seven letters are enough to seal big or small stories, expectations and wishes. And the show of the end begins, only this time we are not actors, we don't have roles to play, we do not wear any masks. Now that we have been totally stripped from our dreams, illusions and granted beliefs, our real self will be revealed because what ever we had to win we have already lost it.

The end. We have loved and been loved. Did we love? Have we been loved? Time to report. The person that has loved will suffer the most. Because the one that has loved, still loves. Love does not come to an end, no matter how many ''over'' you say to it, no matter how many ''over'' will love say as well. In simple words, the one has loved is under self-denial and selfishness in enduring war.

''I have to let my person go'' he thinks and tights his teeth, so as to avoid saying ''I love you'' to come in between of the other person's choice. ''I wish what is best for him/her'' he/she will whisper, even if he/she is sad that she did not manage to be the best for him. He/she will respect, he/she will care, he/she will protect, as he/she always has. He/she will cry, he/she will scream, he/she will hit with force the wall, he/she will hide his face in his/her palms desperate, angry, disappointed, he/she will defend himself behind of few words, missed calls, pretending that he does not care, but he/she won't attack. The one that loves does not hurt.

The end. Did we not love? Haven't we been loved? The one that has not loved will now be indulged in the game of guilt, remorse and will dig the other's wounds, so as to make him/her weak, and maybe to cut his/her wings to fly and escape. Because the one that did not love, has won. He/she did not give him/herself, only has taken. And now he/she will do anything so as not to loose his/her award. Even if she/he knows that he /she will loose it, will pressure it, will hurt it, will break it so as he/she will never be the same the person he/she used to be, so nobody else will enjoy him/her like he/she did.

He/she will go low. Will beg, but soon enough begging will become insulting. He/she will cry but soon enough crying will end up in anger. He/she will try to find comfort in other arms, ''hugs'' just in case those will appreciate him/her. But what appreciation worth's to that person who you were used to be an irreplaceable prize? What appreciation worth's tho that person that can bare the vision of you suffering? The person that loves does not kill.

The end. The one has not loved, in reality helps the one that has loved to leave. Because it debunks everything he/she thought he found on him/her was ideal. He/she will see hater behind the supposed ''rare'' love. He/she will see insult behind the supposed admiration. He/she will see a beast behind his/her ''angel''. And he/she will leave. He/she will leave, because he/she deserves it. He/she will leave, because he/she is choking. He/she will leave, because she/he should have gone long time ago. But he/she always stopped at some last guilty doubts and some half dead hopes.

He/she stopped because she/he loved him/her. And he/she will always love her/him. He/she will love whatever made him/her special in to her/him eyes, on their very first chatting, meetings, flirting. He/she will love the times that she gave her body and soul to him. She will love the dreams that she made with him as a starring actor. She will love their memories. She will love the good things, but she will leave because of the bad ones.

Love won't be save from the final judgement. No one can'be saved from other and no one can be saved from himself. Are you the one who did not love? Then yes, you will peel off easily, the moment you find the strength to rise up again your affected ego. You will leave the minute you find a new person to conquer.

Are you perhaps the person that did love? The yes, you will suffer. Yes, it will take time to get use to the idea your love was not responded. You will insult yourself and regret your own mistakes. You loved and you did not hurt anyone, but yes you got hurt. You loved but you did not kill, but yes you were killed. But for the love that you have died though you will be reborn. You will be reborn to love and be loved all over again, from the beginning.  This is what you deserve. The end.

Love. Flower Girl. x

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